Platform Management

An interface, connected to the ABT platform, to monitor and manage multi-channel and multi-media (digital or smartcard) customer accounts.


A back-office that gives a holistic vision of each customer's account and provides a user friendly platform for your teams to efficiently manage tickets, supporting documents, statistical data etc.

Our management system is based on three key capabilities: 
  • The ability to manage the "Account Based Ticketing" (ABT) connected platform at the centre of the pre-existing interoperable smartcard management systems.
  • Real-time, user-friendly monitoring tool that allows your teams to manage the services you provide to your customers (tickets and subscriptions’ management, supporting documents, refunds).
  • Insightful data to adapt your offer. It is a powerful tool to legally analyse the usage and purchasing habits of your customers.


Location data

Location data

  • Validations by route
  • Geolocation of where purchase and validation took place
  • Analysis by trip start and end
Customer Insight

Customer Insight

  • Type of fare purchased (standard, student, discounted...)
  • Type of media used such as smartcard or smartphone
  • Usage analysis and account monitoring
System Planning

System planning

  • Sales by time period of rush hour vs. off peak
  • Validation by mode (bus or tram) and vehicule
  • Global view ticket control

Sales statistics

The back-end platform offers a set of reports that allows the analysis of the sales activity which is key for transit agencies to adapt their networks to their riders’ needs and habits.
For example, the system can provide in depth information on the most efficient sales channels, which products sells the most, which fare media is preferred…

It also gives access to accurate forecasting data which allows the analysis of sales fluctuations over time, seasonality and trends. These statistics are crucial for anticipating budgets, assessing the health of the network and defining the commercial strategy.


Business intelligence

Digital ticketing generates a large amount of data. Using it helps to build a more informed transit system. Analytics provided allow transit agencies to get access to plan and organise campaigns based around:

  • Qualitative segmentation of travellers
  • Customer Retention
  • Behavioural trends

Thanks to this data, marketing teams are more equipped to plan campaigns and allocate budgets. It also gives them a better understanding of travellers’ habits helping them to better detect the expectations of riders and to implement a strategy that is more “customer-centric” and based on the riders’ needs.