Open e-SHOP

Offers your riders the convenience to purchase their tickets and passes for the whole familiy, online and in real-time


Open e-SHOP eliminates unnecessary trips to sales agencies, helps reduce the workload of your support and sales teams and improves the overall quality of service.



Open e-SHOP logo

Open e-SHOP: The online store which offers an intuitive and complete experience for families, first-time users and subscribers

  • Intuitive customer experience
  • Access to all available fares
  • Choice of fare media - smartphone or smartcards
  • Central management of tickets for the whole family
  • Management of supporting documents
  • Choice of payment method including payment in instalments
  • Possible interface with the existing ticketing system

The e-shop can easily be integrated into the networks’ website and interfaced with your existing ticketing and management systems to ensure data consistency. This allows you to optimise the sales process, streamline procedures for concessions (with supporting documents), issue tickets & passes and maintain a direct relationship with your riders.



Open e-SHOP is designed for efficient account management and 100% remote processing. It allows you to: 

  • sell the full range of fares available
  • to generate special rates and concessions with the option to specify validity dates for each  
  • to offer automatically renewed passes and buold customer loyalty
  • to issue tickets on the customers' preferred media
  • to carry out payments remotely
  • to collect the necessary data to organise specific services such as school buses